Parent-Teacher Conferences Survival Kit

Maybe it's working mommy guilt.......maybe it's because I can relate to what long days my kids' teachers are going through.....maybe it's because I wanted to get crafty :)  I think it was a little bit of all those things which inspired me to give my kids' teachers a Parent-Teacher Conference Survival Kit.  Conference time is one of the hardest weeks for a teacher.  Long days and lots of talking - dealing with unhappy parents and the happy ones! So I browsed the blogging world and came up with this:

I went and bought some little items that would fit in these tin buckets I had on hand (I am known to pick up random things in the dollar section at Target convinced I will find a use for them.  And see....I did!)  Candy, bandaids, breath mints, and Kleenex.

Then I typed up a little card with some cute reasons for why those things were in there - Bandaids for hurt parents, candy for some quick energy, etc. 

Put it all together with a little cellophane and ribbon and WAAALA!  Your very own Parent-Teacher Conference Survival Kit! 

Yes I am still alive......

Teaching + family activities + raising two kids = no time for blogging.  How do all these other amazing bloggers do it?? What is your secret?? I have dropped the ball big time and hope to pick it back up and get inspired by the holidays!

Fall is one of my favorite times of year to teach! But I am finding now a days it's VERY different from when I was little.  No more costume parades, Halloween is now a bad word, pumpkins are okay, just not with faces.  SOAP BOX MOMENT ALERT!!! I just don't get why this all has gone away in schools?!  It's in the stores, movies, all around the kids.  I'm not saying we devote an entire day to eating sugar and doing nothing.  There are so many fun EDUCATIONAL activites we can do!   What happened to using candy corn for artwork?  Making a jack-o-lantern with recycled materials?  All my wonderful October Idea books will have to continue collecting dust.

Off my soap box.....I must learn to "play in the sandbox nicely" as one of my wonderful teammates reminded me.  Now I am on a mission to find all kinds of fall activities to do that have nothing to do with Halloween.  So I am looking to you my wonderful blogging friends!  Please post your favorite fall activity you do in your class!  To get you started here's some I've found:

AHHHH Progress Report Time!

I can't believe that it's already half way through our first trimester at school!  I must admit that doing progress reports/report cards always makes me stressed out!  Putting the grades in is the easy part.  It's the comments that are the worst part.  Do I sound professional enough but get my point across?  Do I use the word "struggle" or say it is a "challenge"??  Is "behaviorally challenged" okay to use? :)  I think I need a filter......

So I turned to the trusty world of Google and my new found love of teacher blogs.  And guess what??  There are others who share my pain and resources to cure it!  Of course I had to share it with all of you when it's your time to pull your hair out and tackle those report card/progress report comments! :)  If you have a great resource to share, please add it on!

Success with Math Stations!

I am sooo excited to share this.....I tried doing the math station rotation that I mentioned in my previous blog and it was SUCCESSFUL!  The kids LOVED it and so did I!  Over the last week I have taught my kids about 4-5 math games they can play independently (Salute, Math Bingo, One More, etc.).  Today I broke them into their three groups and followed the rotation on the sheet I posted earlier. 
Letting my high kids do Fact Practice first, I decided to use the Challenge Worksheets in our Harcourt program.  They were fully engaged!  In our team planning yesterday (and by the way I am fortunate enough to work with some of the most creative and helpful teachers on the planet!) we were discussing how we can challenge our super math scholars each day by simply using what we have already instead of recreating the wheel :)

Meeting with my lower kids first allowed me to really take the time to teach the lesson in a small group session and use manipulatives.  I had their attention the whole time and when it was their time to do Fact Practice I had them complete the backside of our math workbook page independently.  What a great way for them to get some math confidence :) 

All in all I have to say I am looking forward to using this method each day for math! It has made my spinning like a top days a thing of the past! No more going from kid to kid, long whole group lessons, etc. 

So here's a few resources to add to your math games.  Just click on the image :)

Simple Stolen Math Management Idea!

Before I share I just have to ask if any other teachers out there ever get overwhelmed at the beginning of the year with ALL the great ideas out there and wanting do them all??!!  I tend to have a bit of ADD when it comes to getting my classroom going because I want to do it all and have it all be perfect right away :)  I blame Pinterest and all the wonderful teacher blogs out there!

Having a very varied ability math class this year I am struggling with how to meet the needs of all my kiddos.  You know...... keeping the smarty pants challenged (cuz they finish everything in about 2 seconds) and helping my mathematically challenged (the ones who take forever just to write their number the right way).  I love them all equally!!!  BUT how do stop myself from running all over the classroom once I am done with the whole group instruction?

Enter the fabulous Melissa at F is for First Grade. She is a genius I tell you and wish I could take credit for this simple idea to manage my math block!

Now all I need is a good parent (or friend out there reading this blog :) who will want to set up my math stations!  I have the book and the boxes, just need to get them all together.  For Fact Practice time I will have them use Flashcards and computer websites to practice their facts.  If you have any great math management ideas, I'd love to hear them!

Gifts for the Teacher

So I had to take my teacher hat off and put my mommy hat on this last weekend as my own two kids got ready for their first day of school....which was today!  I am once again so blessed and lucky to have two FANTASTIC teachers teaching my kids!

I always think it's nice to give a little treat to the teachers on the first day. I know first hand how hard they have been working weeks prior to get ready for a new school year! First a disclaimer....when I was lucky to be a stay at home mommy for 4 years I was so much more crafty and on top of things.  Teaching full time and being a mom full time kinda sucks the crafty right out of you sometimes!  But here's a litte something I put together that is simple and thoughtful at the same time.

Found these ADORABLE boxes in the Back to School section at Walmart!  Then I added little goodies that I know all teachers love.....stickers, post its, and most importantly....CHOCOLATE!

More Daily Five Resources!

As I get ready for my first day of school....which is only 4 days away....I am trying to refine my process of launching the Daily Five and really take my time this year building the foundations before I just go for it!  I learned that there is NO RUSH in pulling small groups right away, it takes time to establish good proceedures and routines to make this successful.  And practice, practice, practice  to build stamina :)

My first important job is to make I-Charts for each one of the Daily Five activities.  After rereading the book by The Sisters that is one step I felt I rushed through.  Found  a picture of what one should look like from Mrs. Maiolo's Classroom Website

She also has a GREAT form for tracking the kids daily choices that I downloaded and changed to put my name on!

Homemade Stolen Ideas :)

The best teachers I found, are the ones who learn from other teachers and professionals or as I like to say "steal" the really good ideas for themselves!  Blogging has been my best resource for great ideas that have given me inspiration to try and make it myself.  So here's two of my latest creations!

I made my own class "Bucket Filling" Station.  I used Library Pockets found at the Dollar Tree, then cut out the buckets from another blog - which I can't find now - laminated the poster and used an Exacto knife to slit the pockets.  My kiddos can fill out "Bucket Filler" slips and place them in their friends buckets.  On Fridays they can take out slips to read and take home.  Can't wait to read the book to my class next week on the first day!

As you know I am a huge fan of the Daily Five.  A big part of making it successful in your classroom is having lots of anchor charts for them to refer to.  I had made it a goal last year and FINALLY have made a poster of the Daily Five Choices.  Used poster board from the Dollar Tree, leftover border, and these great graphics from Judy Bonzer.

So let me know what you think?  I am not the most crafty person, but I am pretty proud of myself for using my resources and trying to pull it all together :) 

Renewed Passion for Classroom Management!

Part of my new teacher orientation this week was watching some of the Harry Wong videos on being an Effective Teacher.  Since this will be my 9th year of teaching I have probably seen these videos at least 3 times.  But I was amazed today about how excited I am to have a clean slate and start fresh that first day laying out all my procedures and routines.  And just how important the success of your year is based on those first few days.  Click on the pic below if you'd like to order the book from Amazon.

I always think of the first day and all I have to share with them, train them on, review, etc.  So this year I decided I am going to make a list of all my procedures and keep them on a clip board with me on the first few days.  So as things come up I can check them off.  There is just NO WAY I can fit it all in a plan book and I know I will forget something! Harry Wong even says there is NO WAY to cover everything on the first day, only cover the things that will really happen and then cover other things as they come up.  Here's my list of procedures and I would LOVE to have you help me add to my list:

  • Morning Work
  • Lining Up and Walking in Line
  • Bathroom
  • Sink Usage
  • Turning things in
  • Coming to the carpet - going back to your seat
  • Lunch
  • Handing out playground equipment
  • Getting Supplies

Another big one is how to get the student's attention without flipping off the lights, raising your voice, or asking a million times.  What is your tried and true trick for refocusing your class?  Here are some our group of new teachers came up with:

  • 1, 2, 3, Eyes on Me
  • SALAME - Stop And Look At ME
  • Quiet Sign
  • Give Me Five
  • Waterfall - teacher says "Waterfall" and students make a "whoosh" noise and use hand motions as if making a waterfall.
Can't wait to hear what all of you have to offer for Classroom Management Tips.  As Harry Wong says, "Great teachers beg, borrow, and steal the good ideas!"

An Important Tip - Inventory Your Stuff

Something I picked up today at my new teacher orientation that I just had to share with you all.  After nine years of teaching you would think I would already know this!  So if you are like me and this has completely gone past you, it's not too late!

My mentor teacher - who is amazing and love working with her - told us that we should keep an inventory of our own personal teaching stuff!  You know how we spend a good chunk of our year end tallying and filling out inventory forms for our school - why aren't we keeping track of our own stuff!  If there is ever - and I hope this NEVER happens to anyone - a fire, flood, leak, etc. there is no way to know what or how much needs to be replaced if you don't have a record of it. 

I know what you are all thinking, at least those of you who have taught a while........this will take FOREVER!  So I am going to make it a monthly goal to get one "subject" inventoried.  Here's what I came up with:

1.  Professional Books
2.  Classroom Library - this one is a biggie!
3.  Bulletin Board Sets
4.  Big Books
5.  Games/Puzzles
6.  Manipulative's

As teachers we spend so much of our own money - the little that we make :( - buying things for our classroom or spend all of our hard earned bonus points from book orders :)  Let's protect our investment shall we?  Happy Inventorying! - yes I made that word up!

Storage For My Sanity!

To say I am structured and love to be organized may be a little bit of an understatement for those who know and love me!  I say "love to be" because actually acheiving that is a whole other issue :)  I am starting at a new school so I am looking at this as my opportunity to have a clean slate and do it right the first time!  But you know how it is when you have to work with what you have and limited here's some things I have used and new ideas I am looking forward to using.
LOVE these stackable drawers!  Since I teach first grade the schools I have been at have tables and not desks for my kiddos.  What to do with their math books, journals, folders, etc?  This is the answer.  I get one set per table.  Each drawer is labeled - Folders, Language Arts, and Math.  Click here for the labels I use on the drawers. 

These baskets are at the Dollar Tree - one of may all time favorite places to shop for cheap storage.  I use these for putting my Word Work activities together.  Kids can pick up a basket and take them to their seat.   

Book boxes are a must for me with the Daily 5 and I have been looking for ideas on new storage boxes, labels and where to keep them.  I really like this idea of the plastic bins and the binders next to them. 

I saved the best for last!  I want to hire this teacher to come in my classroom and make it look just like hers....I want to be her!!!!!!!!  Click on the button above to see what I am talking about.  Happy Organizing!!

Ready to Fill Some Buckets!

So this book literally changed my life as a parent with my kids at home: Have You Filled A Bucket Today?  By Carol McCloud

My kindergarten daughter was read this book in class by her amazing teacher to help with some friendship/bossy issues going on during recess.  It has helped me as a mom so much at home to teach my kids about being a good person and making good choices.  At dinner time we always go around the table and ask, "What did you do to fill someone's bucket today?"

So now I am taking it to my own classroom.  I stumbled across this link on Scholastic about using it as a behavior management system and fell in LOVE.  I already had the plastic shoe pouch and am on the hunt for some cheap buckets at Oriental Trading.  I am so excited to put this into my classroom!!  Click on the picture below to read all about it.!

I'm Baaaaack! And with good teacher finds!

Just returned home from 2 weeks in Southen Cali visiting family and friends.  Such a great break and fun time with my kiddos too!  I pretty much ate my way through the L.A./Orange County area :)  And my other discovery is that teacher supply stores are WAAYYY better there than here in AZ!  I found some great ideas and bargains at CM School Supply. 

My favorite was the clearance area....which was the size of a warehouse!  I found great teacher resource books from Scholastic for $1.50!  Glyphs are one of my favorite activities to do with my kids.  I was able to get a book for Holidays and All About Me.
If you haven't done glyphs with your class, YOU SHOULD!  They are a great way to integrate reading, writing, and math.  They also make great class bulletin boards.  It's important to include a key on your bulletin board so that people can figure out the meaning of each child's glyph.  I like to have them up for Back to School night or conferences.  I hope to post a picture of this year's class birthday glyphs when school starts....which by the way is only 2 weeks away for me.....AHHHH!

Listening Center - Always a Dilema

I remember that the Listening Center was my favorite when I was in school.  I even would take stories home when I was little from my mom's classroom to listen to....I am dating myself here....on my walkman - the tape player kind!

As a teacher though, I struggle with making this a meaningful activity for my students.  They love to listen to the stories - and we all know why it is good from them to hear stories being read to them.  But then what???  I stumbled across another great blog The Lesson Plan Diva and she has developed some awesome worksheets for the kids to respond too.  From Text to Self Connections to Main Idea, they allow you to take the Listening Center to the next level.

Click below to see what I mean :)

Listening Center Activities

Launching the Daily Five

Last year I was "encouraged" to use the Daily Five in my classroom. I am not one for change at the beginning of the year, but I have to say after I read the book and tried it, I LOVED it! It is a great management tool for running guided reading in your classrooms. I was also lucky enough to hear "The Sisters" in person in Phoenix for training! The most important thing I took away from it was that this is a management system that you can make your own! Do what fits your teaching style the best. For me, I can get through about 3 or 4 rotations a day.

Launching the format is probably the most important thing to do right off the bat.   Getting the students to really buy in to why we read is the key! I got some great ideas from Mrs. Meachum's website for resources and pacing to get it all in those first few weeks. Here is something I created as homework for the kids and parents that was a great springboard for class discussions and lessons. I will be posting LOTS more about the Daily Five as I try to constantly improve it in my is defintely a work in progress! :)

Free Stuff Alert!

For those of you who know me, you know how I love to find a deal when I shop!  So when I come across free stuff it makes me down right giddy!  We all know teachers are on the low end of the totem pole for pay so I like to make my money stretch and prefer to spend it shoes and purses rather than workbooks and bulletin board sets :)  I am making it part of my mission on this blog to share all the freebies I can find.

One of my FAVORITE blogs is Erica Bohrer and she has oodles of files for free right now on her Teachers Pay Teachers below and go forth with the freebies!

Where's My Copy of Blogging for Dummies?

Since this is my first blog I am finding it a challenge already!  Trying to figure out how to post and share my files, adding pictures, etc.  If anyone has any tips or how to's, PLEASE send them my way! Email, posts....whatever, I just need HELP!

Also if you want to "follow me" it's really easy....just create a google account (it's free and everyone can always use another email address :) and click on the "Follow" button on the bottom right of my page and you are in!  Or the good old fashion lazy way....bookmark me or add me to your internet favorites!  Just make sure to check in on me now and then so I don't give up......

So here I go....

It began with just a couple of clicks.....first to find recipes for family dinners, then a few hairbows for my daughter, then I found it!  How could I not know that this existed!  An entire world of blogs dedicated to teaching and sharing ideas!  I couldn't stop myself....every new blog gave me more ideas and got me more excited about teaching.  There are tons of teachers like me creating our own labels,worksheets, etc. and sharing them! After a little prompting from my friends, I have decided to enter the world of teacher blogs and share my adventures in teaching.  Don't know how good I will be, but I am excited to try!